We flew out of Nashville and landed at Midway. Chad & Krable picked us up with pumpkin bars in hand ;) We drove to the hotel, got checked in and freshened up. They went to the bar for a drink and I napped so I could hang that night. We hopped on the train and headed to Wrigleyville for dinner. We were searching for a bar called Merckle's. it is an Iowa Hawkeye bar and so we wandered into a bar that we thought was Merckle's but it wasn't it was John Barleycorn's. We ate dinner and watched some football and had fun catching up ;) We caught the train back - did I mention the guys whined because the train ride was about an hour and they lost their buzz?! wah wah. The ride home had some interesting characters. Love me some people watching.
We left the hotel at 10 to head to the game. this time we took the train and then hopped a bus to Wrigleyville. it was much faster - about 40 minutes. We met up with a few other people there for the celebration at the Cubby Bear. Then, we walked over to the rooftop. We rented space at Brixen Ivy which is a rooftop that overlooks the baseball field. It was all you can eat food and drinks and was great for mingling. We watched the game, ate and had great conversations! After the game we went to a bar called the Full Shilling. I partied until about 8 and then became the designated direction giver ;) I rode the bus and train back to the hotel with another couple that went to the game too. Cody stayed out and partied it up until 1am, while I took a long bath, ate pumpkin bars and drank Gatorade!
We woke at 6am, bright and early to catch out flight back home. Thanks goodness Chad & Krable took us to Midway because a cab would have been $120, yikes! We tipped our chauffeurs, hugged their necks and are making plans for the next visit. Them coming to Nashvegas to meet Kingston! ;)
We hate that we will miss their wedding, set for December 30; but hopefully, we will have a little bundle by then.
This is Kingston's souvenir that daddy bought him:
Front of shirt:
Back of shirt:
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