Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 32 Baby Bump Shoot


How Far Along: 32 weeks

Size of baby: 16.7 inches long from head to heel, weighing in at about 3.75 pounds. As big as a jicama plant!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 6.8 pounds. Total gain is 38 pounds total. I am VERY puffy and swollen today ;( Lots of fluid retention.

Movement: I feel the him move every day! ;)

Maternity Clothes: Wearing maternity clothes pretty much all the time. With some of my own stretch clothes still. I would like to note that the outfit below is NOT maternity!!! ;)

Sleep: Started taking some meds and sleeping very well now!! ;) About 9-10 hours per night.

Question/comment of the week: "How are you feeling?" " You look so cute as a mommy!" "When are you due again?" That is the most common!

What I miss: Eating meat & Running!!!

Cody'ism of the week: His sweet Facebook post:

Cody Berry
I'm already a proud Papa and Kingston isn't even here yet! I can't wait to tell you in person what an incredible son you are to your mother and I. We will see you in a few short months, so until then keep those swift roundhouse kicks to the ribs coming...(this will be the only time that I will allow you to hit your Mother.)

I went to the doctor today and Dr. Wingo said I measured "PERFECT" he said we had a kicker on our hands!!

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