Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week 30 Baby Bump Shoot


How Far Along: 30 weeks

Size of baby: 15.7 inches long from head to heel, weighing in at about 3 pounds. As big as a head of cabbage!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: This is for 2 weeks: Gained 3.4 pounds. Total gain is 33.4 pounds total.

Movement: I feel the him move every day! ;)

Maternity Clothes: Wearing maternity clothes pretty much all the time. With some of my own stretch clothes still.

Sleep: Having issues sleeping through the night. Waking up several times, can't get comfortable and then can't fall back asleep. The doctor told me to try Benadryll tonight. ;)

Question/comment of the week: "How are you feeling?" " You look so cute as a mommy!" "When are you due again?" That is the most common!

What I miss: Eating meat & Running!!!

Cody'ism of the week: HAHA his Facebook post says it all.. I literally snorted laughing!!

Public Service Announcement and/or Request...
To my peoples: I need help with my pregnant wife (a.k.a. the woman that won't listen to her husband).
1.)If you see this lady attempting to lift something over 5lbs be nice and help her. 2.)If you see her becoming anxious, ask her how you can help calm her nerves.
3.) If you should see her wearing a pair of clogs that appear to be to small and ma...king her feet swell, simply state that today is casual day and that tennis shoes is an acceptable form of footwear.
4.) If you see her yawn, find her a couch, cot, even a floor to take a nap.
5.) When you see her, tell her that she is the most beautiful pregnant woman that you have ever seen! Do not say something stupid...this will cause and adverse reaction to the pregnancy hormones

Above all else: Help me help her and my son
Thank you to all for your help in the future!

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