Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nursery Furniture Adventures....

So, last Tuesday I went to pick up the nursery dressers. Nothing ever comes easy for me!! It's not a pity party, it's a fact! Don't believe me?? Read on! ;)

So, I left the office at 3:30 in a borrowed pick up truck from my co-worker Runcie. I headed towards Columbia to pick up the dressers for Kingston's nursery. I arrived at the house, picked them up and headed back towards home. Three miles from where I picked up the furniture, while driving down I-65 North the speedometer plummeted and the truck lost speed. I pulled over into a parking area and the truck died.

After a quick minute of catching my breathe and trying to start the truck again, I called a tow truck. I also called my friend Debbie to laugh about the situation. She immediately said "I'm on my way!" After waiting an hour for the tow truck driver he arrived! I was beyond relieved since it was now dark and there were truck drivers stopping asking to "help" me which creeped me out!

Debbie and her dad met me in Franklin at the repair shop where I had Runcie's truck towed. The tow truck driver and Debbie's dad moved the furniture from Runcie's truck over to his truck and we were on the way to my house yet again. THREE POINT THREE MILES AWAY....... we broke down!! No joke! At this point I wanted to cry.... but instead we laughed! After attempting to jump the truck off and adding motor oil, the truck would not start. So, we called the SAME tow truck driver to come rescue us. Since they were going about 45 miles away in the opposite direction my friend Catherine came to get me and take me home. The only thing I could do was laugh at this point.

Cody sent me a text and said he would come get me, but if his car broke down he was making me walk. We conjured up a theme that the furniture was haunted, but let's hope it isn't!

I made it home safely at around 10:30 pm. A SEVEN hour excursion for what should have been a 3 hour event!

Ohhhh, you may be wondering about the furniture..... Well, Debbie's husband met them at the dealership where they towed her dad's truck and loaded the furniture into his truck. She drove his truck to work the following day and then Debbie myself and our co-worker Wick took the furniture to my house and unloaded it during lunch. Out of control!! But, a great story!!

The carpets were cleaned yesterday and the "mystical" furniture will be in the nursery this week! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Ridiculous! That furniture better have been worth it! :)
