How Far Along: 9 weeks
Size of baby: Approximately 1 inch, about the size of a grape
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Lost 6.5 pounds
Movement: None yet!
Maternity Clothes: None yet! But, I REALLY love wearing all my stretch clothes!! ;)Much more comfy!!
Sleep: I didn't sleep well last night - been up since 3:23 this morning. But, slept 17 hours on Friday and slept on and off all weekend!
Question/comment of the week: "What did the doctor say?" "How do you feel?"
What I miss: Eating HEALTHY food! I would love to eat a salad or piece of fruit!! The thought of eating anything other then cheeze-its, dry fruit loops or hashbrowns makes me want to puke!
This week was a little bit of a roller coaster. I woke up Friday SICK AS A DOG. I literally could not roll out of bed!! Thank goodness Cody was off work and was there to take care of me ;) He got me the garbage can and a cold rag. I woke up 2 or 3 times and he was standing at the end of the bed staring at me. All he kept saying was "You don't look good at all!" Well, yes, thank you honey I DO feel and apparently look like death. The doctor called in phenegran and I was knocked out cold for almost 17 hours!
On Sunday I had a little spotting, but didn't go into full panic. I called the doctor who was on call - and just happened to be my doctor ;) She told me to call if things changed but she wanted to see me Monday at 8am.
On Monday I went to the doctor still feeling like death and she examined me and said things looked good in regards to the spotting but she wanted an u/s to be on the safe side. She also suggested that I get IV fluids this week before the beach because I was very dehydrated. So, I left her office and FELL in the parking garage - just awesome! I sat and cried...pity party table for one. I went to the ultrasound at 1 and Cody snuck over from the hospital to be there too ;) Things looked great! The heartbeat of Cojac was 176 and he/she is growing just great!!
I can't believe that little sweetie is so tiny. Cojac will be as big as a cantaloupe before you know it!